Goals: Maintain functionality Create the possibility of future improvements Get rid of all plugins, leave only the indispensable ones, and replace the rest with code Improve the page loading speed Transfer all data into a new format Normalize css and js Main/Basic Features: Adding, Editing, Deleting Dramas, Movies, SPs, Series, People, Groups, Oshi Spots Treasure Island: A quick index of available Dramas, Movies, and SPs that have a Subtitle Project Forever Lonely: Dramas, Movies, and SPs that do NOT have a Pirate's Booty link Pirate's Booty: A quick index of Dramas, Movies, and SPs that contain a Pirate's Booty link Advanced Search: Allows users to drill down and search by specifics Community-related Features: Custom Lists: A collection of Dramas, Movies, SPs or People/Groups or Oshi Spots Reviews: A user review of a Drama, Movie, or SP Watch Lists: Track Dramas, Movies, and SPs that a user has watched Oshi Spot List (temporary name): Track Oshi Spots that a user wants to visit or has visited; similar to Watch Lists Nyans: User can like any of the main post types Bookmarks: User can bookmark any of the main post types Dark mode