Expand Custom Lists to include Oshi Spots
Allow users to add Oshi Spots to Custom Lists so they have a quick way to see where to go on a trip.
What's your list for?
- https://drama-otaku.com/add-list/
- Add a button for Oshi Spots
- Everything else remains the same on this page
Custom List UI:
- Custom List Edit page
- Add Oshi Spots to "List content" dropdown
- Check the rest of the mockups below for more information. The flow is labeled, 01-05.
Let me know if I've missed anything.
Thank you!
Max Romanchenko: Hi Max! Another feature for you! Let me know if its confusing or not. We can chat it out here in comments. Thanks!
Max Romanchenko
Amrayu78 Hi Duong, I think the second dropdown is not a good idea, since dropdown doesn't support checkboxes.
What if instead of a second dropdown, the user could have a list with search results with checkboxes? Everything else is unchanged.
Max Romanchenko hi max! That’s fine with me. As long as the user can select what they want to add.
Max Romanchenko
Amrayu78 Hi Duong, I'm done with that, phew...
Please check my efforts.
Max Romanchenko: Wow! This looks great. I'm super excited about this. Thanks for working on it so quickly.
I have a few tweaks though, hopefully it's not too hard. I'd like to add a little bit more info related to the Drama, Movie, or SP. This will help users understand which Oshi Spot belongs to which Drama, Movie, or SP.
Max Romanchenko
Amrayu78 Yes absolutely, it makes sense. I've made those updates, please check it out.
Max Romanchenko looks excellent! We can close out this task. Thank you.